Anatomy of a card
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See also Explained: Cards and sets on the official blog.
Every card has a mana cost required to play it, denoted by the number on the top left.
A card belongs to a certain god (or domain), denoted by the pattern and mana gem color on the top left. But there are also neutral cards playable by any god that don't feature the domain specific pattern on the top left.
There are 3 different card types, denoted by the shape of its picture or the stats it displays.
A creature has attack and health.
Some creatures are part of a Tribe (e.g. "Wild"). Other cards and effects like Ally can interact with a particular Tribe.
Every creature can attack unless otherwise stated.
Any damage to a creature is permanent as long as it's on the battlefield unless actively healed with another effect.
X-drop refers to a creature that costs X. E.g. A 1-cost creature can be called a 1-drop, 2-cost creatures is a 2-drop, etc.
After paying its mana cost resolve the effects of the spell and then the card is moved into the void.
A relic has attack and durability.
It's a piece of equipment that is placed below the battlefield next to your god.
Enables your god to attack enemy characters if the relic has an attack value bigger than 0.
Relics can have various effects besides just being used for attacking.
Sometimes known as: Weapon
How much it costs to play this card from your hand.
Creatures deal damage equal to the specified amount when attacking or being attacked.
Gods having a relic equipped can attack and deal its attack value as damage. When attacking a god who has a relic equipped the attacker does not take any damage from it.
Creatures have a maximum health
If a god's health is reduced to 0 or below they lose the game. If both gods are at 0 health at the same time, then the player who's turn it currently is wins because their opponent's damage is processed first.
Destroy a relic when it is at 0 durability. Every time a relic is used in an attack remove 1 durability from it.
There are 6 different domains and every domain is represented by a god. If you build a deck for a god you can only use cards from their domain. Additionally every deck can include any number of neutral cards.
Every deck can only contain a single copy of a given Legendary card.
Many cards can be played in any deck no matter which domain.
Use Health as a resource to cause damage and destruction.
Hide your creatures and beat your opponents resources with their own cards.
Strengthen your creatures, restore their health and disable your opponents creatures.
Draw cards and cast spells that deal damage and control the board.
Strong creatures that are sometimes unpredictable. Strengthen, heal and generate new cards.
Equip weapons, deal damage and thrive on your own wounds.