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A creature or relic with Ability can not attack. Instead, you can click the card to trigger the specified effect.
When creature or relic dies trigger the specified effect, before it enters the Void.
Sometimes known as: Deathrattle
Triggers whenever you summon another creature of the same tribe.
Only triggers at the start and main phases of your turn, and not at the end of your turn or on your opponent's turn.
Introduced in the Band of the Wolf set.
Creature reduces each instance of damage received by the specified value.
Introduced in the Divine Order set.
Creature can not be targeted by attacks as long as there are other valid creatures to attack.
Creatures with Order or Hidden cannot be attacked and would not be valid targets so they are ignored.
When creature is played you can delve from a list of Favor and Sanctum related effects.
Character is able to attack enemy creatures the turn it enters the board.
Sometimes known as: Rush, Haste
Creature is dealt the specified amount of damage at the end of its turn.
Character has a 50% chance to not attack the intended target and instead attack another random valid character.
Character or relic will destroy any creature with the first 1 damage it deals.
Sometimes known as: Deathtouch, Poisonous
After playing a creature with Echo create a 1 mana 1/1 copy of that card in your hand without Echo.
Optionally trigger an additional effect when played by paying the specified mana cost.
Empower cards have a dedicated toggle button at the top of the card in-game that enforces the higher cost to be paid.
Character ignores both Frontline and Backline effects, but only if it's not the first attack that turn.
Look at the specified amount of cards and pull any of them to the bottom of the deck.
Specified effect gets activated, but only if the enemy god has taken damage on your turn.
Creature must be targeted first for attacks from enemy characters.
This shields non-Frontline creatures from danger. If there are multiple Frontline creatures then the attacker can choose which one to target.
Sometimes known as: Taunt
In addition to Blitz this also allows a character to attack the enemy god the turn it enters the board.
Sometimes known as: Charge
Character can't be targeted by spells or attacks. If the character attacks, it loses Hidden.
The character can still be affected by cards that apply to all creatures or a random creature, it just can't be targeted directly.
Sometimes known as: Stealth, Hexproof
All damage dealt by this creature heals your god for the same amount.
Sometimes known as: Lifesteal, Lifelink
Spend X mana on cards or god powers in a single turn while holding this card to give it a bonus effect.
Once the bonus effect was activated it stays active until the card lands in the void. Can activate multiple Manasurge cards with the same X mana in a single turn.
Creature can't attack or be targeted by attacks as long as it has Order charges. Order reduces by 1 at the end of every turn.
This effectively removes Frontline from any creature while it has Order.
When character deals attack damage to an enemy creature any leftover damage is distributed randomly among all other enemy characters.
Character nullifies the first instance of damage dealt to a protected character.
Sometimes known as: Divine Shield
Character heals for the specified amount at the end of its turn.
After playing a creature with Roar trigger the specified effect.
Sometimes known as: Battlecry
Character is unable to attack or use its ability. Removed at the end of its turn.
Sometimes known as: Freeze
Increases each instance of damage of a Spell you play by the amount of spell boost you currently have on the board.
Doesn't affect God Powers.
Sometimes known as: Spell Damage
Card won't be moved to the void after being destroyed or played from hand.
After playing a creature with Tempt Fate you have two options:
No-risk option: Apply a random buff from a list of effects;
Risky option: You have a 50% chance to get two buff effects instead, but if you fail the coin toss you get no buffs at all.
Character can attack twice in one turn, but only one attack can target the enemy God.
Character nullifies the first instance of enemy non-attack damage, Destroy, Sleep or Transform.
Does not block Burn damage as it's not considered enemy damage. Does not block Obliterate or Pull effects.