Ranking System
Tiers, Ranking up and down, the shield, and MMR in Mythic rank.
Ranked mode splits players into 12 different tiers, with higher tiers having more successful players:
Rusted Bronze (B)
Purified Bronze (B+)
Rusted Iron (I)
Purified Iron (I+)
Impact Meteorite (M)
Astral Meteorite (M+)
Twilight Shadow (S)
Midnight Shadow (S+)
Auric Gold (G)
Solar Gold (G+)
Ethereal Diamond (D)
Mythic (M)
Similar to other games, ranking up is contingent on your win ratio. In order to rank up in most Tiers you will need a win ratio between around 60% - 67%. Mythic rank works slightly different, more on that later.
Your rank progress is displayed on the right side of your ranked game card as shown below:
The shield
As long as your shield is active (not fully cracked) you will not derank. If you lose a game a crack appears on the shield.
Generally, losing 3-4 games will fully crack the shield. In early ranks around 4-5 it is a bit more forgiving with about 5 cracks.
Whenever you reach a new rank, whether it’s a higher rank or a lower rank, the shield resets to its default form with no cracks in it.
When the shield is fully cracked, the next game you lose will normally derank you. This is only prevented if you already hit the safety line.
The safety line
If you win enough games, your bar will progress past the safety line. If you lose a game, even if your shield is fully cracked, you will be protected from ranking down. Instead your rank progress will only be reset to the beginning of the current rank.
It is worth noting that the higher your rank gets the more difficult it will become to reach the safety line. For instance in lower ranks (e.g. Meteorite) 2 wins is enough to hit the safety line, however in Ethereal Diamond it takes 4 wins to reach the safety line.
Note that you are still susceptible to ranking down in your progress towards the safety line, losing a lot of games before hitting the safety line will derank you.
Mythic Rank
This is the highest rank in the game and the general rules of ranking up and down do not apply here. When you reach Mythic there will no longer be a shield or safety line.
instead you will have a certain MMR score. This generally starts around 1340-1380, depending on your overall previous performance and win ratio. You will gain 17 points for a win, and lose 19-20 points for a loss.
If your PR drops below the 25% lowest PR point of all mythic players on average, you will derank. Right now this is around 1320-1350 points. Losing a game in this PR range will likely derank you to Ethereal diamond. However the first time you reach Mythic, you are immune to deranking for the first 5 games.
Weekend Ranked
Except for Mythic, your rank progression will not be altered once Weekend Ranked begins.
However in Mythic your MMR will reset back down to 1350 regardless of your progression in Mythic rank. For instance even if you have been performing really well in Mythic and managed to accumulate 1650 PR, your MMR will still reset back down to 1350.
To learn how your rewards differ in weekend ranked and other events depending on your rank read the Play & Earnpage.
Last updated