Basic deck types
Tries to finish the opponent early, typically before 7 mana.
Mainly low cost creatures that typically buff each other.
Delays towards the end game and tries to finish in the 8 or 9 mana range.
Typically a control deck, requires a very specific set of cards in hand and play to generate a lot of value.
One turn kill. Similar to a combo deck, but typically is able to deal around 30 damage in a single turn.
Excruciatingly long games where the goal is for the opponent to run out of cards to draw and continuously take damage.
Between an aggro and a combo deck. More chances to survive in the late game.
Meta Terminology
Mana curve
Depending on your deck type or god you have certain favorable or less favorable decks from your opponent.
For example a slow combo deck could be very weak against a quick aggro deck that aims to finish the opponent by turn 5.
Or a Deception deck with many hidden creatures might be weaker against Magic or Nature because those can deal damage to all creatures or random creatures.
A key to being successful, particularly in a tournament setting, is to pick the right deck depending on what you're expecting from your opponent most of the time.
Tech cards
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